Alliances for Climate Action
Together we will build a net zero carbon future.
What is ACA?
As the climate crisis deepens, we find ourselves in a race against time. We need to build inclusive societies that provide well being for all, powered by renewable energy and sustained by nature. And we need to do this at an unprecedented pace to avoid catastrophic climate impacts. The transition to a decarbonized economy has begun, but it is not happening at the speed and scale needed to keep global average temperatures from rising above 1.5°C—beyond which we will experience increasingly devastating impacts on our economies, livelihoods, health, ecosystems, and physical infrastructure.
To realize the transformation to a zero carbon future, we need everyone - across all walks of life and in every country around the world - to advance climate solutions together.
Alliances for Climate Action (ACA) is a network of national alliances dedicated to driving ambitious climate action, increasing public support for addressing the climate crisis, and engaging national governments to decarbonize faster by supporting 1.5C-aligned national climate targets. These national alliances are unique because they include a diversity of voices representing over 6000 climate leaders from nearly every sector of society—state, local, and regional governments; companies and investors; academic and cultural institutions; tribal organizations and faith communities; healthcare institutions, and civil society across key geographies including the Global South.
There is no question that national governments are needed to steer the transition to decarbonized economies in their respective countries, but the groups that make up these alliances are equally critical. They provide jobs, drive innovation, and collaborate to develop creative and inclusive solutions to the climate crisis.
Everyone must act and, together, we are stronger.
Where can you find these alliances?
Alianza para la Acción Climática Argentina (ACAA)Argentina's alliance brings together 25 local and provincial governments, states, companies, banks, universities, farmers and civil society organizations committed to delivering and enhancing their country's climate goals. Together, they represent more than 13 million citizens and over 30% of the nation's economy.
Better Futures AustraliaBetter Futures Australia (BFA) is a network of over 115 climate leaders from every sector of society and the economy – finance, business, resources, agriculture, health, faith communities, local and state governments, First Nations, unions, social services, the community sector and more. Signatories are committed to leading by example and working together to champion Australia’s transition to net zero emissions before 2050 and to collectively urge the Australian Federal Government to set emissions targets in line with the Paris Agreement.
Aliança pela Ação Climática (ACA-Brazil)Alliances for Climate Action-Brazil mobilizes 68 business leaders, investors, local and state authorities, religious entities, civil society organizations and youth. Together, ACA-Brazil aims to work with its members to achieve a resilient net zero society for all Brazilians.
Alianza para la Acción Climática Chile (ACA-Chile)The Alliance for Climate Action Chile unites 27 cities, companies, universities, associations and civil society organizations committed to taking bold individual climate action and working collaboratively to pursue carbon neutrality in their country by 2050.
Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)The Japan Climate Initiative includes more than 700 leaders from companies, banks, local governments, universities, faith institutions, and civil society organizations. All are committed to realizing a decarbonized society in Japan. Together, they represent over 30% of the country's population, emissions and power consumption.
Alianza para la Acción Climática de México (ACA-MX)From city halls, to companies, banks, universities and civil society, the alliance of over 145 Mexican entities from the three largest metropolitan areas in the country (Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey) have pledged to take bold climate actions to reduce their own emissions and increase their adaptation to climate change. These actors also pledge to partner with the national government to enhance Mexico’s national climate targets for a 1.5c-aligned future for all Mexicans.
South Africa
Alliances for Climate Action South Africa (ACA SA)Alliances for Climate Action South Africa includes 47 local governments, investors, and companies across South Africa that have come together to pursue net-zero emissions in their country by 2050.
United States
America Is All In (AIAI)The largest U.S. multi-stakeholder alliance committed to climate action is joined by more than 5,000 U.S. cities, states, tribal nations, businesses, schools, and faith, health, and cultural institutions.
Viet Nam
Viet Nam Coalition for Climate Action (VCCA)The Viet Nam Coalition for Climate Action brings together 55 signatories across companies, banks, investors, universities, and civil society organizations committed to delivering Viet Nam's climate goals.

United Arab Emirates
UAE Alliance for Climate Action (UACA)The UAE Alliance for Climate Action mobilizes the whole of society by preparing organizations with the tools and knowledge to increase momentum for science-based targets, while collaborating as one voice to improve the policy environment to achieve the UAE's net zero ambitions and the Paris Agreement.
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Alliances for Climate Action is an Accelerator Partner of the UN Race to Zero Campaign. ACA amplifies the campaign in countries with member alliances to expand the number, geographic representation and diversity of institutions that commit to 1.5C aligned interim and net-zero targets and join the Race to Zero Campaign. ACA also grounds the campaign in key countries by providing a national platform for institutions to work together to drive an inclusive net-zero transition in their countries.